Tip for stockarch photographers
Promoting Your Photos and Getting Feedback
With billions of photos online It can be hard work getting people to look at your photos and even harder to get good creative feedback. Heres a Few ideas to try:
Tweet your favourite images
stockarch provides concenient tools that allow you to tweet links to your followers on twitter, just click on the 't' at the bottom of most pages or manually cut and paste the "Short URL" found in the sidebar.
Blog your Images
Create a blog post that contains the images your have posted on stockarch is easy, each image page contains convenient cut and paste code meaning that you can embed any number of images into a post using almost any blogging platform that support inserting html code snippets.
Post on a photography forum
ask for feedback from other photographers (be genuie about it - do just fire of a load of posts with "hey look at my photos". most forums don't host images so we have provided cut and paste links to do that too either in HTML or [blogcode] formats.
Use your stockarch blog
The blog does not work quite like a standard blog, we review all posts before they go live on the site - that helps keep this site free of spam. Links to recent blog posts are displayed in various places on the site to catch the eye of visitors. If we like your post a lot (it needs to have a broad appeal) we will syndicate to all readers of our site blog. If your are logged in you can create a post rinow using the "My Blog" link at the top of the screen
Linking to Stockarch
We offer a range of ways for you to link to your profile from an external site:
Note that you need to substitute your user name (login name) were shown
web links
Your photographer profile page can be seen at
An 'html feed' of your most recent images is located at
Your RSS Feeds
you can also use the following rss feeds to display your most recent images on another website or software that can read an RSS feed
your recent blog posts:
Rss feed Ideas
You can use the rss feeds to include a series of your latest images in a blog or website. At present we do not provide code for doing this directly, you can use the recent_images feed above with many different blogging platforms and website software to add a sidebar of 'my latest images' - this is often called 'aggregating another rss feed' or including a 'news feed'