Images by All Photographers

a dreamline green and yellow fractal rendering or bizarre curving lines
a computer genetated pattern that looks remenicent of the forms in a spiders web
a fractal composition of colourful arrows spreading out into floral like mandelbrot patterns
an electronic pattern of lines and circles
a twisted spiral pattern of colour cycling triangular wedges
a bright red rotational fractal pattern
a pattern of varying thicknesses of pink undulating lines
a strange looking yellow 3d fractal rendering
an artistic background of green and blue coloured pixels
colourful checked background with sunken 'pinch' distortion
checked background wrapped into a circle featuring blue purple and green tiles
concentric circles and lines emanating from a central point, colourful background of pink and purple colours
glowing blue colour background of colourful vertical bars
a square grid pattern with various coloured green and white lines
green and blue green waving lines with space for some text
matrix of green and white tiles create a bathroom themed backdrop
a random matrix of greyscale squares
orange checked background with a twisting spiral distortion, halloween colour palette
matrix of squares under a spotlight effect
matrix of squares and lines creating a 'maze' pattern
a dreamlike green bokeh background
concentric curved blue coloured lines of light on a black background
glowing lines forming concentric curved arcs
arcs of colourful light with an orange and green palette
concentric curved red and green coloured lines of light with bright highlights
defocused camera effect creating valentine heart shapes
colourful light trails create a neon style background
motion blurred lines of colourful lights
abstract backdround composed of long exposure motion blurred lights
abstract background of colourful lines of light
a neon style backdrop of arcs from concentric circles
a matrix of colourful computer pixels from a vibrant pattern
bokeh shapes created using a lens trick
bokeh shape effect, mulitcoloured starbursts
colourful bokeh light shape created using a cutout loveheart mask
colourful bokeh light effect created in camera
arcs of brightly coloured light
curved concentric lines of vivid coloured light
a graduated halftone black and white background
background consisting of parallel vertical lines in a blue grey colour scheme
matrix of grey squares form an interesting backdrop
matrix background of muted coloured squares
multicoloured crisscrossing curved lines of coloured light on a black background. I used this composition for my twitter background http:/
moving lines of light create a festive background of light on a black backdrop
colourful seasonal background of motion blurred christmas lights
a pattern of green orange and yellow light trails moving around a central out of frame point
aquamarine coloured lines of light create a 'falling' effect
magenta purple and pink colourled lines of light
motion blured parallel lines of coloured light
weaving and intertwined curved lines of light on a black background
streaking lines of parallel purple and pink coloured light
colourful lines of lite dissappearing towards a vanishing point
parallel lines of purple pink and magenta lights
weaving and intertwined lines of light of varying thicknesses
a 'slap zoom' effect abstract background composed of out of focus coloured lights
abstract background of out of focus lights and light trails
a spectrum of colours formed from curved concentric thin light lines
etheral blurred bokeh light effect
colourful and dreamy light effect created using christmas lights and 50mm prime lens
diamond shaped multicoloured camera lens bokeh effect